3 words at the core of our programs



Our expertise lies in innovation and entrepreneurship methods. How to support teams of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, while reducing risks and optimizing execution?


You have the passion, we bring the rhythm and especially the method!

Immersive entrepreneurship


Whatever your life outside of our programs, whether you are a student, an engineer or a banker, when you participate in our intensive training and programs, you are an entrepreneur! We immerse participants in a world of entrepreneurship. Facing their clients, their potential investors, their partners. It is the entrepreneur who leads the action.

The notion of immersion is at the core of our methodology. With our tools, you will be an entrepreneur for at least a few weeks. And you will be able to continue your entrepreneurial journey with full knowledge of the facts. You won't take any risks other than spending a few weeks learning the basics of entrepreneurship.











Collective intelligence


We assist cohorts of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs (business entrepreneurs). These are indeed collective programs. 

Accompanying 10 to 40 entrepreneurs at the same time allows us to save resources! It also allows the entrepreneurs to build a strong community that can continue to support each other after the coaching, after the training.

Our workshops are always carried out in groups. This allows peer-to-peer learning. The diversity of perspectives and the creativity that emerges from them are an enormous richness for everyone's projects.

We always suggest building programs with an upstream selection, a beginning, a collective adventure and an end. This leads the whole group to give the best of itself, if it is well guided, with method, rhythm and passion.


Intensive programs

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No time to lose ;)

As much as possible and according to local constraints, we favor the most intense programs possible. Whether in companies or for startups, it is important to keep up a certain pace. This brings a lot of motivation and we can see that the projects are progressing at high speed. Since our methods are oriented towards execution and on-the-job learning, the business model can be quickly steered in the right direction.

Intensive does not necessarily mean a full-time program. For example, for in-company programs, it can be 1 day a week , with "missions" to be carried out between these coaching moments. However, we always propose to start the programs with a 2 to 6 day full-time bootcamp.